Nicolai Ouroussoff, writing for the New York Times, gives you a quick tour of the new Acropolis Museum. This sounds like it will be worth the wait. Unsurprisingly it also makes a case for returning the Elgin marbles. I’m always torn when it comes to the return on antiquities, although maybe the british and greeks need to figure out a deal of some sort here. I have no idea what that would be.
In the New York Times Magazine, David Giffels has a great story about a Ramones T-shirt and fatherhood. This is a better story than what I just wrote to describe it, please trust me on this. You just have to believe that a ripped Ramones T-shirt (not ripped “Flashdance-style”) is always better than a non-ripped one. But, what do the kids think?
The Washington Post touches base with a review of the current show at the American Visionary Museum. I find “outsider art” interesting, I do however have a problem when the artists have a satellite dish in the backyard. I mean how “outsider” is that? The show does look interesting, It runs through August, I’ll probably see it in January – let’s talk then.
W Magazine has it’s art issue this month. It’s a fun read, especially for the stories about damaging and repairing art.