I spent the weekend at my brothers wedding in the outskirts of Albany New York this weekend (Congrats again Marty and Kate). Martin (ANABA) and I had been speaking about getting together and he was going to take me to see Second House, well long story short it rained all day Saturday (my only day that was available) and Martin and I missed each other, so I missed out. But not really. Catherine and I drove all over Rensaeller getting to know the area and did a little bit of poking around.
What we saw was the one of the reasons (I think) why RP has decided to move here.
Source material. The whole area has a whole slew of material that is just ripe for RP, this area has the older things that are still there – in a shape that is still interesting enough to use (conceptually or physically). Literally the bones were sticking out of the graveyard.