Jeffrey Weiss Resignation
The director of the Dia Art Foundation, Jeffrey Weiss, has resigned after less than one year. He said he had decided that he was ill suited to the administrative burdens of the director’s post. “It took me too far away from curatorial and scholarly work.”
Dia is mostly focused on developing a presence in New York City right now – Since Weiss feels this is not playing to his strengths – good for him for getting out now before he makes a hugely expensive (and long term) blunder.
Larry Zox at Stephen Haller Gallery (NYC)
Larry Zox’s work is associated with the color field movement and really the only reason I mention it today is because I want to use his quote in the next paragraph. Zox is currently being shown at Stephen Haller Gallery. I’m not getting to New York anytime soon – but it’s worth going to see.
My favorite quote of Zox’s come from him speaking of Max’s Kansas City (A very famous or infamous bar – depending how you look at it): “There I am sitting near the front and I reach for something and this girls says to me. “I wouldn’t reach too fast.” I said, “What?” And I look over at her and here’s this tiger sitting with this woman. This huge fucking tiger with teeth this big. That same night someone came in with a baby elephant. I said, I don’t believe this, next it will be grashoppers.”
Speaking of Color Field
Why would anyone write a large article for the major newspaper of this city and spend the entire article trying to find pictures in the images. I swear it was like looking at clouds trying to find picture of bunnies or something.
A Big thanks to Steven Alexander
For the mention in his blog the other day. Steven just recently finished a show at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art in Houston. I think his work is pretty interesting as well. He’s on the web also – follow this link
Thank you for the comments about the Color Field article. I was going to post something similar.
Those are the things I do with really young kids to try to get the to be interested in abstract art. Perhaps that’s how the Post views its readership.
I agree. I had a lot worse things I was thinking, but I thought that was enough.
On another note: the B&W; show looks really strong – I’m going to try to get to it this weekend. I think you’ve done some interesting things with the shows there. Is it true this is your last one?
Thanks Matthew. I hope you’re able to make it to the show. It was an interesting show to curate. I am typically very anal about installing shows (as you know!) and it was weird relinquishing some control. While I do look at some walls and fight the urge to adjust the placement of the work, I think the installation works. It really does feel loose. I wanted something between a rigid install like I normally do and an Art-o-Matic like free for all. You’ll have to let me know what you think when/if you see it in person.
As for the show being my last, well, in a way it’s my first. My role as Assistant Director (really “Curator of Exhibitions” might be more accurate) came to an end with the Andrew Au and Andrew Krieger solo shows. This show was curated as an independent curator. I’ll be curating another show there in late 2009. I will also be having a solo show there in March 2009.
I really enjoyed the experience of mounting those shows and learned a ton. I hope to find a similar position down the road.
Bid on the opportunity to meet Jeff Koons and go on a private tour of his studio, led by the artist himself.
Michael Govan (LACMA Director) has also donated a private tour of the new Broad Museum at LACMA.
The auctions end on March 6, 2008.
Bid on the chance to talk with these gentlemen about their thoughts on the new Broad museum and art in general. The auctions benefit the Hereditary Disease Foundation