As you might have read in this blog the last couple of months, I recently had a one person show at DCAC (District of Columbia Art Center). One of the things I’ve learned is that a “one person” show is hardly done by one person. I owe a few people at least a little bit of recognition – I’d like to take this time to do so.
B. Stanley at DCAC for his support of my work after seeing it at Art-o-matic last year.
Blair Murphy at DCAC for her help in all of the details in getting the show on the walls.
J.W. Mahoney for his curatorial help and great advice.
Andrea Pollan for opening her rolodex for my curatorial search.
Kelly Rand at DCist for the review of my work.
Kristen Capps for his review in the City Paper
Whoever placed my work in the Sunday Source at the Washington Post
JT Kirkland with his kind words at Thinking About Art.
Douglas Witmer for his mention of my work on his blog
Stephen Alexander for his mention of my work on his journal
Harris Eisenberg and Tony Eckersley covering for me at work
Most importantly, My wife, Catherine for putting up with me through all this.
Also a big thanks to everyone who came out and supported me and my work these last few weeks.
“Thank you friends, wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you….”