Officially I’ve been rejected from the show in New York I alluded to earlier. So with that in mind I finished 4 paintings this weekend that had been languishing and started 2 others including a larger piece – It’s not as big as say a well known German neo-expressionist painter might make, however its bigger than the bulk of what I’ve been doing over the last few months.
Of the four newly finished paintings – there are two that I like quite a bit, “Surfacing” (see below) is something I knocked out in a very quick period of time and just feels right to leave it alone. The other is called “Kubrick” at first it was titled “HAL 9000” but it really wasn’t hard edged enough for me to stay with it, besides the new title is just better. I will get an image of “Kubrick” up as soon as the paint dries enough for me to photograph it.
In other studio news, I have 6 other paintings in some form of incompleteness, with a major one (9 to 12 panels) that is basically screaming at me to get started, so there is still a lot to do.