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Modigliani redux

When I was in school, Rolling Stone did a cover story on Jim Morrison titled – He’s Hot, He’s Sexy, He’s Dead. Well it seems the lizard king had nothing on Modigliani. Other than dying early due to drinking to much Absinthe and leaving behind one ugly corpse because of it. Did you know that in the last few years there have been three (3!) movie scripts floating around Hollywood based on his life? I read this and I thought I was going crazy from drinking to much Absinthe.

I learned of this while reading a quick review of a new biography of Modigliani in the Wall Street Journal the other day. The book doesn’t seem to be my kind of thing (but frankly it just might be scandalous enough) but I thought the Hollywood script story was worth sharing…


  1. Anonymous

    what year was this jim morrison cover?

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