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More Laika the Cosmonaut

I have a serious fixation on Laika the Cosmonaut – If you’ve read any of the archives look for the review of “I am not Jackson Pollack”. “Laika A Dogs Journey into Space” will be published by First Second (in the fall? in time for christmas?) Anyway it’s a graphic novel (comic book) seen through the eyes of Laika. Do you know that the Russian scientists never had enough oxygen to keep Laika alive during the flight – and on her last meal had put poison in her food. They thought and I agree that they believed that it was the right thing to do, however it is now thought that she died after about the second day because of the poor heat shielding of the rocket.

Regardless of Laika’s end, her story is fascinating and I can’t wait to see Nick Abadzis’s work. See more at:

I can only imagine Laika orbiting the earth hearing her heartbeat slowly dying and maybe hoping she in some way is helping the very people who are responsible for her. Possibly hoping to hear just a quiet “good girl”.

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