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A quick one…

Art related gossip
In the early 80’s my wife’s aunt used to own a bookstore called George Sand Books. Located on Melrose (in LA) it was quite a bookstore in its day. It was known for a large volume of poetry and art books. My wife (Catherine) would work there in the summer during her college years. So with that out of the way, here’s the story. Larry Gagosian walks in one day and is looking for a newly released art book (no one can remember) and is quite insistent that it’s there, long story short, Catherine is in tears and they cant find the book. and LG orders the book and its there in a few days. But LG makes people cry (this is probably not news).

Finally someone else is talking about Dada
Tyler at MAN has something like 3 large posts going up this week ( He’s taking a far more art criticism type approach than I did (so it’s probably a better read).

Some new photos
I visited Dinosaur Land recently – images will be up soon.


  1. New hardcore french writer:

    “Idéologiquement Cash/Chiotte

    L’aplat de niaiseries répandu sur le texte a empêché de dévoiler la puissance colérique des propos en général. Une sorte de philosophie en parfaite adéquation avec l’époque. Ni avant-garde, ni conservatisme.”

    To be continued:

  2. New hardcore french writer:

    “Idéologiquement Cash/Chiotte

    L’aplat de niaiseries répandu sur le texte a empêché de dévoiler la puissance colérique des propos en général. Une sorte de philosophie en parfaite adéquation avec l’époque. Ni avant-garde, ni conservatisme.”

    To be continued:

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