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The Whitney, The Tate and The Pompidou

All three museums will be re-hanging the entire collection this spring – although the Tate has already done this (to some success) the Whitney will be giving each floor its own category (Minimalism, AbEx, Pop) except the 5th floor – that floor will be devoted to works by Edward Hopper.

The Pompidou will rehang its collection around cinematic themes to correspond with its exhibit “Movement of Images: Art & Cinema” In the past the Tate (or should I call it the Tate Modern used themes like History/Memory/society to organize and display its works, it is now taking a more conservative/art historical approach to its presentation.

Since I’m on museums, don’t forget – Jennifer Bartlett’s Rhapsody is newly installed at MoMA.

Clearly these re-hangings are an alternative to blockbuster shows and costly renovations – I’d like to see this work and maybe slow down the “come see our new architecture-palooza” that is running through every museum right now.

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