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Where have I been, and what the hell is a Create-A-Thon?

Last Friday was my companies annual Create-A-Thon. Let me take a moment to explain what this is – basically it is very similar to a telethon you might have seen on TV back in the 60’s (you know a TV host asking for money for hours on end). The difference here is that we (Mediastudio – ask for proposals from non-profits around the DC area and then grant as many of these groups free design, printing, consulting and organization streamlining. Then do all of this work during a twenty four hour period.

This year we were able to help 14 different non-profits. We started at 8 am Friday morning, and went until 8 am Saturday morning with a celebratory party for all the non-profits, the designers, donors, and board members of the non-profits Saturday evening. The week leading up to this is a flurry of compressing 5 days of work into 4, and shopping for enough food, snacks and whatever else a team of 11 designers and 5 consultants need (and by this I usually mean a lot of coffee and Red Bull).

This was our fourth year of doing this and it gets more satisfying every year.

For more info go to

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