Storefront is a new space by Jason Andrew (Norte Maar) and Deborah Brown at 16 Wilson Avenue near Flushing. The inaugural show opens Saturday, January 2nd, and runs through February 6th.
Opening: Saturday, January 2, 6:00–10:00 p.m.
with Roland Allmeyer, Bill Adams, Michele Araujo, Deborah Brown, Jeri Coppola, Judy Dolnick, Hermine Ford, Rico Gatson, Theresa Hackett, Arnold Helbling, Andrew Hurst, Norman Jabaut, Mary Judge, Justen Ladda, Ellen Letcher, Amy Lincoln, Mathew Miller, Jimmy Miracle, Brooke Moyse, Steve Pauley, Olivie Ponce, Kevin Regan, Aurora Robson, Mira Schor, Hilda Shen, Adam Simon, Stephen Truax and Austin Thomas.
As a side note, I’ve added this to the Bushwick galleries map