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Fontana Mix for January

The Eames Stamps are on the way…
This summer, Charles and Ray Eames, two of the greatest designers and thinkers of the 20th century will be honored with the release of 16 stamps celebrating their work. These are designed by Terry Noyes of the DC area.

A quick tidbit about food
I’m reading Real Simple last night and the main story is 218 best buys for the kitchen, fashion, home, etc. Anyway, get this – they call a $40 garlic press a must have and great value.

This basically kills me. Here’s why.

Garlic presses blow. They mince garlic quickly (after you’ve removed the skin) and then clog and become a pain in the ass to clean. Sounds great no? Just use your standard kitchen knife and chop away. Cleaning a knife is about 1000 times easier than the stupid garlic press. Frankly judging by the choices in this issue, I don’t think the “kitchen gurus” even cook.

How theoretical position lead you to make different decisions
See this video of Brian Eno on You Tube Later on I found a interview of BE discussing his work Music For Airports

Bonus interview: Paul Morley interviews Eno

Brian Eno photo courtesy of the Long Now Foundation – used without permission

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